Tuesday, November 15, 2011

tap. tap. Is this thing on?

Who are those cute little pumpkin heads?  That would be my big boys, who are growing up too fast.  I like to tell D and J to stop growing, which brings laughter and a rolling of the eyes from a 5 and 3 year old.  "C'mon mom, we can't stop growing.  It just happens."  You are right, son, but I wish I could bottle up this cuteness to be brought out at a later date.  Say, maybe those teenage years when you aren't quite so cuddly?
I am anticipating a re-entry to the world of personal blogging in the next few months.  (yes, mom...you and the other 3 people that read this will be thrilled!)  I will attempt to give comical updates to the world of the Gaskillrascals as we work our way down the path of parenthood.
One reason for my long break was a job that seems to take much of my time.  I love what I get to do at Hope.  It seemed like the perfect job for someone with my skills.  I get to work with families, yet my scenery is constantly changing.  I advocate in my church for a family ministry perspective, while working with some terrific women.  I have a schedule that is flexible and I am able to be home more often than not.  But life is ever-changing and this next stage is going to bring more challenges than this mom can handle.  I am taking the wise advice of my friend/co-worker and blogger Nicole once said to me....when you start something new, sometimes something else has to be dropped.  And for us, the entry of another rascal to our family qualifies as a reason to drop things.  When we have our third boy in February, I imagine lots of things will be dropped.  But those of you out there with a minor case of adult add can relate to my need to be doing lots of things.  I like having many balls in the air.  So, blogging will be one of those balls.  Maybe we could say an outlet for my energy? 
Looking forward to sharing some funny stories...better go fix breakfast, so that one of those stories is not about me being late to drop off my kids at school.

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