Monday, August 24, 2009

Dear Fellow Sams Customers,

Thank you for your concern today.
Thank you for your helpful stares and scowls at me as I discipline my 3 year old.
While it may seem like I am a bad parent letting my child scream in the corner, really I am trying my best. Yes, I am willing to do a time out here a few feet away from where you are drowning your hot dog in mustard. Yes, I am going to let him cry as you attempt to have all your over-sized items counted at the door. No, I promise he will not suffer any long term issues from his mother leaving him on the concrete floor for 2 minutes to "think about his behavior". In fact, I would like to argue that by being willing to follow through with discipline in any location is proof that my child will be a positive contributor to society. Unlike your child who gets what he wants in order to make him behave, my child is going to understand the consequences of his actions.
Don't let his cuteness fool you. He is 3 years old and certainly acts like it. I would even like to claim that the threes might be worse than those terrible twos.
This might not be the last time you see his sweet little blond head sitting in the corner.
I apologize for any inconvenience my children might have caused today....or in the future.
A Tired Shopper and Mom


Jenn Knierim said...

This made me laugh....until I read that three may be worse than the twos. Please don't tell me that!!

nana said...

Following through with discipline will grow a stronger and more respectful worked on you, right?! :-) He is cute and adorable, but mommies always know go Mom!

Hillary said...

Ha Ha Ha! I have totally let Caroline tantrum on the floor in Target. At 2, my plan of action is to tell her if she is acting appropriate and redirect her to change her behavior, and then if she continues, I ignore her requests until she is polite again. This has led to the occassional ignoring her kicking and screaming on the floor of Target. Oh well. I'm not going to give in a buy her the toy she is demanding when she is acting like that...

Laura said...

Haha! Good for you!