Monday, July 27, 2009

100th post!

In honor of the 100th post, I was going to give you a list of 100 things.....not sure what that list was going to consist of, but I had grand plans. haha! I can't even sit down long enough to do one post, much less one with 100 things in it.

But I do have a list in my head that needs to be shared. Having boys has introduced me to a whole new set of toys and activities that I did not experience as a little girl. Our house is definitely overloaded with toys that are geared towards little boys and that means lots trucks and tools. I can't say I am disappointed at all by the fact that I have little boys. I do recall one Christmas being very jealous of my boy cousins and their Lego sets they received. Finally, mommy gets to play with all the toys I never had!
But I do find it interesting how children at an early age start to pick out certain things they enjoy more than other toys. And here is a list of things Danny has started to become very interested in lately.

1. Topping the list is the movie Cars. This is Danny's first full movie experience. We accidentally found it one day and recorded the second half on our DVR. Every time I turn on the tv, Danny has asked to watch it. I think it is a great movie and has a really good message. It is funny for adults too. Now I just need to get the DVD, so that we can actually watch the first half!

2. Tools. We love tools. I catch Danny "fixing" stuff around the house all the time. And Josh is happy to hit anything with anything, so tools are a Josh pleaser too. Danny used to say that he and his brother were going to grow up and be builders together. Maybe?

3. Doctor stuff. We don't have a Dr. set(yet!, hint hint wink wink) Every time we go to someone's house for playgroup who owns a Dr. set, Danny will put the stethoscope around his neck and proceed to examine his friends. Maybe another future profession?

4. Matchbox cars. I am sure that all little boys like them, but mine carry them around like it's their job. And how cute are the sound effects? hilarious! "vroom, vroom" and "mmmmrmmmmrrmmrm" are a large part of their daily vocabulary. There isn't an inch of my kitchen that hasn't felt rolling wheels over it at some point.

5. Of course, balls. Grandmommy once stated that she had never met a little boy who liked to play ball as much as our Danny. 75% of our playtime during the day is spent with either a glove, a bat, a ball, a golf club, or basketball goal. Scott and I love sports and am happy that our boys seem to be picking up a love for it too. scholarships?

I am sure the favorites will change, but these five things are a solid top 5 right now! I am excited to see what this leads to for them in the future.


Anonymous said...

One thing for sure about boys is they ALWAYS make sounds for their toys.. trains, cars, boat, animals always make sounds. They tend to be a little louder than girls....but always a joy! Grandmommy

Anonymous said...

What? No nurse practitioner set complete with stethoscope? That might require Jada to take another trip to toys-r-us before danny's b-day pool party...I'll tell her not to get the pink one (like hers) for danny. Hehehe

Love, michelle