Saturday, June 26, 2010

We are so blessed.... have grandparents located close enough and willing/able enough to take our two kiddos for ...are you ready for this?....ONE WHOLE WEEK!  I had backyard bible camp and a job interview and it was nice to just spend time doing projects and being quiet in our home.  Seriously, just quiet.  Want to hop in the car and run to the store for something?  well, ok.  Want to go see a movie?  let's do it.  Why were we not more thankful for this when we had zero kids in our home? 

Main Point: Our grandparents rock!

Please don't resent us if you do not have this favorable situation.  We will pray for some adopted grandparents to land on your doorstep tonight.

Here is a picture of the boys at bible camp with their grandpa.  er, uh .... I mean Wrangler Rob and his two pals, Cowboy Dan and Cowboy Josh.

1 comment:

Nana said...