Monday, June 7, 2010

We be Pirates, Matey!

Ahoy, me herties!  We be thinkin' that this her' day be a grand ol' day for some swashbucklin' with me scoundrel of a brother.  Arr, we be hangin' our Jolly Roger in thar livin' room and go a hunt for some treasure and doubloons.  After ye' mommy lass gets ready and we visited the glory hole, we will board our furner and go on a account to join our brethren of the coast for some playin' and grog at the market .  Shiver me timbers it is goin' be treasure o' plenty for 'Ol Capn' Dan and his corsair brother, Capn' Josh.  Be no day for the ye lily-livered as we be splashin' in thar fountains.  Grab ye' peices of eight and set ye sails for Stoney Point Cove.  Arr, mateys!

1 comment:

nana said...

ahoy, Matey....great o' blog o' be a treasure....