Tuesday, September 30, 2008

Gaskill runs on dunkin...

In case you were wondering....yes, there is a Dunkin Donuts near my parent's house. It is about two miles from their new house and about a block from the church. You may think that a coffee shop would not be a part of the equation for making a home decision, but it is possible with my parents. Usually upon entering a new town on vacation or long term, my family will research the closest DD and best route for obtaining this treat. Hot Krispie Kremes will always top the Gaskill donut list, but we do agree with the Groses on best coffee. It is delicious!
Danny, Josh, Scott and I shared a donut and drank some coffee(just Scott and I on that one) before heading over to church on Sunday in Maryland. It was delicious as always. I am sure we will enjoy coffee there every trip to see my parents.

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